Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Sun Is Always Shinier...

Well it's been a few weeks and a few more tests since I wrote last, but I successfully passed Phase 1 and have moved to the Sunshine State for Phase 2. I arrived to Florida last Saturday, checked into a hotel and have been living out of a hotel room and my car ever since. I should have a new place by the 24th, but this living out of the car/room thing has become quite interesting. Plus, I left half of my stuff in VA to be transferred down by one of my classmates who rented a U-haul. Now the U-haul is here and I have no home in which to download my stuff.

Poor, poor pitiful me, right? I eat a great continental breakfast, have a nice bed/roof over my head, and have someone to clean up after me every day. Life is hard. Haha

Anyway, when I sat down to write this, I thought I had cuter stories to tell about FL, but now I can't think of them, so sorry you wasted your time opening this page to read that I am alive and well; a text message could have served the same purpose. Ha

Talk to you soon!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Testing 1, 2, 3

The holidays have come and gone. I'm ever so grateful for the time I got to spend at home with family and friends. For those of you I was unable to meet up with, I'm truly sorry. Hopefully I'll get more time in the near future to meet up with you all.

Back here in Army life, we're playing the military version of Who's on first, What's on second. We have to sign in from holiday block leave, a process that in no way should be difficult. Well, on Monday, I received three texts all with different dates for signing in. It was agreed upon that Tuesday would be sign in day. Tuesday, I went in, turned in my form, signed my name on the sheet of paper and then had to wait for 45 minutes to sign my name on another sheet of paper, one serving the same purpose as the first. The entire process for signing in took an hour and a half. Good thing we don't get paid by the hour. haha

Today we had to report at 4am for our return from holiday block leave urine analysis. After standing outside in the bitter cold (side note: I do believe it's colder here than it is in the Midwest) for a half an hour, we were told we needed to come back at 8am to donate our samples. Upon arriving back at 8, we marched over to the facility used for testing. I stood in line for an hour and a half before given the opportunity to test. Many were still waiting to test; there are no classes today because this is apparently a day long process. Again, it's a good thing the Army doesn't pay by the hour.

Don't get me wrong, I love the school I'm in right now and there are some nice perks about being in the Army, but sometimes, you gotta just step back and laugh at the administrative inefficiencies (unless these inefficiencies involve lack of payment--monetary issues are NEVER a laughing matter...haha).

So my first two days back to work consisted of signing my name twice and peeing in a cup. What did YOU do on your first few days back from vacation? haha